My research interests lie at the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics. I am dedicated to advancing machine perception through 3D scene reconstruction and understanding, enabling machines to not only see their environment but also comprehend and interact with it. My work also emphasizes 3D content creation for digital AR/VR environments, leveraging both real-world reconstruction and AI-assisted 3D generation.
I graduated from NUS and Télécom Paris in 2020. After graduation, I worked at CEA Paris-Saclay on polycube mapping, and later joined Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung's lab at ETH Zürich as a visiting researcher on garment fabrication.For those who are unsure, here's how my name is pronounced in French.
⟶ Students interested in a semester project or master thesis, please consult our lab's project page. ⟶ Master/Bachelor summer interns, please apply to the Summer@EPFL program. ⟶ PhD applicants, please refer to the doctoral program page or our student-wiki.
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